FTISLAND’s Drummer Minhwan Exposes Heartbreaking Treatment During Early Career



In a shocking revelation that has sent waves through the K-pop community, FTISLAND’s drummer Minhwan exposed the harsh realities of his early career, shedding light on the mistreatment he endured. The drama unfolds as the second-generation idol recounts moments of neglect and emotional distress, revealing a darker side to the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry.

Forgotten Drums and Heartbreak

FTISLAND, the OG idol band under FNC Entertainment, enjoyed success, but their journey was marred by mistreatment, particularly concerning Minhwan, the drummer. When questioned about their struggles, Minhwan recalled instances when he was blatantly overlooked, with the most heart-wrenching incident occurring during a performance on Jeju Island.

During this ill-fated show, organizers failed to provide any drums or instruments for the band. Shockingly, the oversight stemmed from the organizers’ ignorance of FTISLAND’s status as a band. Forced to improvise, lead vocalist Lee Hongki had to sing along to a backing track, leaving Minhwan sitting on the bus, tears streaming down his face as he witnessed his band performing without him.

Improper Equipment and Emotional Turmoil

The mistreatment extended beyond forgotten instruments. Hongki recounted another incident where Minhwan, the youngest member who debuted at the tender age of fifteen, was given an incorrect drum chair. Instead of a suitable drum throne allowing free movement, Minhwan found himself with a regular chair complete with arms that hindered his ability to play.

In a shocking twist, Hongki revealed the absurdity of the situation, stating, “Drum chairs shouldn’t have arms on the sides. They brought us the one from a convenience store.” This revelation paints a vivid picture of the subpar conditions and lack of professionalism the band faced during their early days.

Tears of a Teenager

Minhwan’s vulnerability during these instances was palpable, shedding light on the emotional toll it took on the young drummer. Debuting as a teenager, he admitted, “I was a teenager back then, so I was emotionally weak. I was so fragile.” The revelations of tears shed in solitude on the tour bus underscore the psychological impact of the mistreatment suffered by FTISLAND’s drummer.

This scandalous expose has ignited discussions on the treatment of idols in the industry, prompting fans to demand accountability and fair treatment for all artists. As FTISLAND’s revelations make headlines, the K-pop community awaits responses from FNC Entertainment and the organizers involved, as the drama surrounding Minhwan’s early career treatment continues to captivate and shock.


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FTISLAND’s Minhwan Reveals Tough Times: No Drums, Wrong Chair, and Tears

FTISLAND’s drummer, Minhwan, spilled the beans on the tough stuff he faced early in his career. Here’s the real talk:

Forgotten Drums, Broken Hearts

Once, during a gig on Jeju Island, FTISLAND got no drums or instruments. Why? The organizers didn’t know they were a band! Lead vocalist Hongki had to sing along to a track while Minhwan watched, crying on the bus. Heartbreaking, right?

Wrong Chair, No Play

Another time, Minhwan got the wrong drum chair. It had arms, the kind you find at a convenience store, not the free-moving drum throne he needed. Not cool.

Teenager Tears

Debuting at fifteen, Minhwan couldn’t hold back the tears in these situations. He said, “I was a teenager back then, so I was emotionally weak. I was so fragile.”

This news is making waves, raising questions about how idols are treated. Fans want answers from FNC Entertainment and those in charge. FTISLAND’s revelations are turning heads, and the K-pop world is watching to see what happens next.

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