In a significant development, the last two members of the globally renowned K-pop group BTS, Jimin and Jung Kook, have commenced their mandatory military service, temporarily...
In a heartbreaking turn, Moonbin, a 25-year-old member of Astro, has passed away, putting a spotlight on the tough realities in K-Pop. His suspected suicide sheds...
In a groundbreaking achievement, Ateez, the eight-member K-pop sensation from South Korea, secures their first No. 1 position on the Billboard 200 album chart with “The...
In the glittering world of K-pop, G-Dragon from Bigbang shines bright but not without stirring up controversies. Let’s dive into six moments that put the spotlight...
In a heart-wrenching revelation, Momoland’s JooE exposed the harsh realities of her solo journey, a tale of financial hardships that unfolded on the recent episode of...
Breaking News: Astro’s Moonbin Passes Away at 25 In a shocking turn of events, Moonbin, a beloved member of the popular K-pop boy band Astro, has...
Breaking News: ATEEZ Dominates the Billboard 200, Achieving First-Ever No. 1 Spot! In a spectacular turn of events, the dynamic K-pop ensemble ATEEZ has skyrocketed to...